Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Color of Life

The world around us is vibrantly alive with different hues and shades that provide us with an assortment of rich colors every day. Just about everyone in the whole world knows that red means stop, green means go, and yellow shouts caution. With the use of color we pronounce the gender of our children, pink for girls and blue for boys. People use colors as expressions of their faith and belief systems.  For most of the world black is often associated with evil. It symbolizes darkness and negativity. But surprisingly many cultures of the world use the color black as an antidote to ward off evil. Furthermore, black is a color worn to characterize strength and power. For this reason many organizations choose black for their employee’s uniform color.  Blue stands for power and life. Though water is transparent, blue and green are the colors plainly visible in bodies of water surrounding the earth to display its beauty and source of life giving power.

Green symbolizes life and growth. Just as green grass is watered and fertilized during the growing seasons of spring and summer, the souls of the faithful are nurtured and water with Holy Scriptures and Words of love and inspiration. During the spiritual growing seasons of our lives we grow in the awareness and knowledge of God’s presence with us. The color yellow has healing power. Turmeric, which is yellow in color, is widely used as a spice and even as an antiseptic ingredient and beauty enhancing product, and nothing compares to the healing rays of just the right amount of sunshine. We westerners believe that red is the color of passion and romance. The passion of Christ is central to the Christian faith. We believe the gift of salvation is freely given to all believers wrought by the blood Jesus shed on the cross, His death and resurrection. White represents serenity and purity. It is clean, untainted, and soothing to the eye as it spreads the message of peace and hope.

Personality experts assure us that colors can reflect or affect moods and define personality types. For instance, wearing bold colors may indicate that you are dramatic, assertive, intense, happy or very active. Passive colors convey sensitivity, gentleness, introspection and nurturing energy; while natural colors more often than not communicate a need for comfort and safety. To say life is colorful is another way of saying life is lived through an array of shades of emotions.  Whatever you are feeling today your choice of color will help you express it. Carefully use all the colors in the rainbow to lift and transition you from one temperament to another, from one goal to the next and on to all the achievements in life that are waiting for you to accomplish.   


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