Thursday, January 17, 2019

It Began Strangely , "But God!"

          Most people approach a New Year with their hearts full of hope that the New Year will be better than the last. I am no different. I faced the approaching 2019 with high hopes of a bright and better future. However, we are three weeks in and indeed, strange things have occurred. Over 800,000 American government workers and federal agents find themselves caught in the middle of a political standoff between the President, Democrats and Republicans. Their lives changed too swiftly for them to prepare, and as a result, many of them find themselves having to rely on the kindness of strangers.

        My friends, what a way for us to be reminded of the fact the future is uncertain. It seems no one was prepared for the curveball of the government shutdown. So, what are we to do to prepare for the unforeseen curveballs that lie ahead of us? One thing I recommend is to exercise our faith in the Lord and make up our minds to walk with God every day. 

         Why is walking with God so important? I am glad you asked. Allow me to answer the question out of my own experience. My new friend Debbie and I met over a year ago. The similarities in our personalities drew us together. Having just met we didn't know much about one another. One day Debbie suggested we meet after work at the park close by my job to walk together each evening. It was during those walks that we began to learn about one another and getting to know each other better, we became close friends to this day. Understand this, when you walk side-by-side with someone obviously you walk in the same direction together. Without evening trying you align your steps with the steps of your walking partner. Whenever Debbie would turn, I would turn. When she slowed her steps, I slowed mine and vice-versa. Thusly, when we walk with the Lord each day, we align our steps and our wills with the will of God. 

     In the gospel of John chapter eight, Jesus forgives the sins of the woman caught in adultery, then in verse twelve He is says, "I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life." (John 8:12 NKJ).  Beloved, understand this, for those of us who walk with the Lord every day, we follow Christ. We walk beside Him in step with Him. In so doing, just as the Lord led the nation of Israel through the desert protecting and guiding them with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night; when we walk with Jesus, He brings the Father’s presence, protection, and guidance into our very existence. Though we cannot see through the darkness of the unknown future it is okay, and everything will be just fine as long as we keep walking in and with Christ Jesus. He is Light of the world. Let His Light shine in the mist of your darkness. You will discover the kindness of others are only the beginning of the many ways God has chosen to bless you and keep you, and help you to say with much faith, "But God!"   


Monday, January 7, 2019

How to Start The New Year Off Right!

It is 2019 and I can hardly believe this is my first post in three years. I woke up this morning another year older and realized how thankful I am just to be alive. I don't know about you, but my heart is filled with gratitude! I thank God for His many blessing, and for allowing me to see another year and to celebrate another birthday.

As you well know, each new year brings with it new challenges and all sorts of adversity. Challenges and adversity are curve balls designed to thwart us, knock us off the paths God has designed for us to follow and put an end to our hopes and dreams.  Therefore, the question becomes, how do we prepare for the curve balls that most certainly will come our way this year?

My friends, the answer to that question is to walk with God each and every day of our lives.  Understand beloved, we are naturally cut off from God because of our sinful nature. Walking with God daily allows us to connect with God and spiritually commune with Him, learn of Him and grow in the Lord. In Micah 6:8 it is written, "He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (NRSV)

Each week I will write a post to give us guidance, and encouragement to help us begin each day walking with the Lord. Make plans now to go on this journey with me and let us walk daily with God together. Tune next week as I give you golden nuggets from Scripture that will help us all survive the curve balls of life in 2019.    

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

A Prayer and a Blessing for the New Year

My Jewish friends invited me to celebrate Hanukkah with them this year. It was a Festival of Lights and a joyful time indeed. I joined in the singing of songs and prayers as they commemorated the historical victory of their ancestors over the Syrian Greek army, and the restoring of the menorah in the Holy Temple. My heart warmed as they recanted the story about the how the  one and only vial of oil was found with just enough oil for one day, and by God's good grace it lasted for eight full days. They explained to me that is the reason Hanukkah is celebrated for eight days. I left them with a renewed since of fellowship and respect.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and most Christians worldwide will celebrate the  birth of Christ. Though December 25th is not the actual day Jesus was born, it is the day set aside to celebrate His birth. We celebrate the Light coming into the world through the birth of the Christ Child.  We celebrate by acknowledging the gift of God's love in the birth of His Son. As it is written in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him." The true meaning of Christmas is the celebration of this incredible act of love through the incarnation of God in the person of Jesus. In Christ we find Hope, Peace, Joy and Unconditional Love.

With eight days remaining in this year, it is my prayer that you find hope, peace, joy, and love which  is encompassed in the person of Christ Jesus.  I pray God's blessings upon you, that the Lord our God will remember us and at the closing of this year and the dawning of a new one, and grant us more of His unmerited favor. I pray that His mercy and unfailing love will sustain and keep you. I pray O God that from age to age we look to You as our Comforter. For in Your faithfulness You have given us the wonder of time and the fullness of life. Even when we do not acknowledge it, You grant us blessings both day and night. Bless Your children at the turning of a new year O God. And, may You fill the months ahead with the bright hope that is ours in the coming of Christ. It is in His name that I pray.


Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Color of Life

The world around us is vibrantly alive with different hues and shades that provide us with an assortment of rich colors every day. Just about everyone in the whole world knows that red means stop, green means go, and yellow shouts caution. With the use of color we pronounce the gender of our children, pink for girls and blue for boys. People use colors as expressions of their faith and belief systems.  For most of the world black is often associated with evil. It symbolizes darkness and negativity. But surprisingly many cultures of the world use the color black as an antidote to ward off evil. Furthermore, black is a color worn to characterize strength and power. For this reason many organizations choose black for their employee’s uniform color.  Blue stands for power and life. Though water is transparent, blue and green are the colors plainly visible in bodies of water surrounding the earth to display its beauty and source of life giving power.

Green symbolizes life and growth. Just as green grass is watered and fertilized during the growing seasons of spring and summer, the souls of the faithful are nurtured and water with Holy Scriptures and Words of love and inspiration. During the spiritual growing seasons of our lives we grow in the awareness and knowledge of God’s presence with us. The color yellow has healing power. Turmeric, which is yellow in color, is widely used as a spice and even as an antiseptic ingredient and beauty enhancing product, and nothing compares to the healing rays of just the right amount of sunshine. We westerners believe that red is the color of passion and romance. The passion of Christ is central to the Christian faith. We believe the gift of salvation is freely given to all believers wrought by the blood Jesus shed on the cross, His death and resurrection. White represents serenity and purity. It is clean, untainted, and soothing to the eye as it spreads the message of peace and hope.

Personality experts assure us that colors can reflect or affect moods and define personality types. For instance, wearing bold colors may indicate that you are dramatic, assertive, intense, happy or very active. Passive colors convey sensitivity, gentleness, introspection and nurturing energy; while natural colors more often than not communicate a need for comfort and safety. To say life is colorful is another way of saying life is lived through an array of shades of emotions.  Whatever you are feeling today your choice of color will help you express it. Carefully use all the colors in the rainbow to lift and transition you from one temperament to another, from one goal to the next and on to all the achievements in life that are waiting for you to accomplish.   


Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Shifting is Taking Place

Labor Day has come and gone marking the end of summer and there is a shifting in the wind. The Dow Jones, a business financial information news system that delivers breaking news and exclusive insights as to what is going on in the financial market just reported yesterday that the industrial average plunged nearly 240 points. Because of this U.S. stocks took a nose dive. Springmeyer and other financial experts claim that the issues stem from uncertainty surrounding China and the U.S. Federal Reserve’s pending rate hike decision due out next week.  Additionally, UMCORE (United Methodist Committees on relief) details, “A recent news report that more than 16,000 migrants have streamed into Austria since the weekend and more than 17,500 people were received in Munich, Germany, alone. According to the United Nations Refugee Agency estimates, more than 366,000 refugees and migrants have crossed the Mediterranean Sea to Europe this year and at least 2,800 have died or disappeared during the journey.

All of this has caused some people to fear the worst, and people are crying doom and gloom for the world, especially America. The economic unrest has confirmed that there is a shifting taking place. However, the shifting is not because of doom or gloom, but because God is moving us from one position to another. According to Doug Addison, we as believers must “Get ready to be stretched as God is doing things that are outside of our comfort zone. We are being challenged right now to move into new levels of understanding. A new wave of revelation is being released that will help us progress into more effectiveness. … God is calling some people to relinquish things that are no longer being used so that others can benefit from them and freely give to others the things that you are no longer using. This might be in the form of money, equipment, investments, businesses, people or buildings. Therefore we are now in entering a time like never before that we need to pass along Kingdom resources.”

This is also a time to pray for those who find themselves displaced due to moving from the violence in their homelands.  Let us pray with Rev.  Jack Amick, head of International Disaster Response for UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, as he offers a prayer of action and solidarity for those fleeing conflict and migrating to Europe and other parts of the world.

“Prayer for a New Vision
God of Shalom,
Grant us hearts that cry like yours
At the sight of dead boys on beaches,
Packed train cars,
And long lines of families on the move.

We confess that we have seen these images for centuries.
Grant us, this time, the wisdom to act in a way that turns history upside down.
And brings your shalom on earth as it is in heaven.
Grant us arms that welcome the stranger;
Grant us hands that feed the hungry;
Grant us feet that walk with those whose feet search
For a new home, a new job, a new life.

Help us understand how bad things must have been,
And how much vision these survivors must have had
To make this terrible trek.

Grant us the vision to see what they see:
Your shalom where there is no more violence,
Where life is full and abundant for all,
Where no one is hungry,
And everyone is welcome at the feast.”


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Power of Having a Positive Outlook on Life

The month of August is a very busy time. For many school children it marks the end of the summer break and their going back to school.  The month of August can add to the already stressful lives of parents who have to contend with mortgage payments, healthcare, and countless other concerns. And oftentimes overwhelmed parents miss the fact that their children are stressed out about going back to school.  For most children the stress is caused by the fear of the unknown. Things like changing school districts and starting a new school, migrating from elementary to middle school or from middle to high school, learning the layout of a new school building, being in a school with upper classmen, acquiring new teachers and classmates, you name it; it certainly can be a stressful time for parents, children and teachers alike.
However, maintaining a positive attitude is helpful when it comes to assisting your children with managing their emotions and anxieties.  In fact, a positive attitude is beneficial to persons of all ages. Being negative all the time can make life seem drab, dull and uneventful. After a while you begin to feel you “have” to do this or that, but a positive perspective moves you from “dreading” to do things, to accepting that it’s a blessing you “get” to do things. Additionally, developing a positive attitude will help you cope more easily with the daily pressures that life can bring. It will also help you build up your optimism which makes it easier to not worry so much. Also, learn how to avoid negative thinking. The best part about a having a positive attitude is it helps you to see the brighter side of life, and it enhances your level of faith to believe in a God that has to the power to turn the impossible into the possible.
When you decide to think positively your mindset shifts to expecting success and not failure. You feel inspired and you find strength from within to not give up. When faced with obstacles you don’t run away from them, you command them to move out of your way, or you look beyond those obstacles and keep moving toward the reality of your hopes and dreams. Telling your children how important they are and how much they mean to you is very positive and comforting for them and yourself included.  The truth is, reassuring your children of your love for them and your faith in them will encourage them to believe in themselves and in their own abilities. Prayerfully they will mimic your positive attitude and be more successful in school. Overall, being positive is one way to boost self-confidence and improve your self-esteem. Instead of avoiding problems, you choose to find solutions to your problems. Not only that, but a positive perspective in life will help you to both see and recognize opportunities when they come your way and give you the gumption to seize them.  
The power of maintaining a positive outlook in life leads to happiness, success and your assured identity as a creative being in the likeness of God. And when dark days come, your ability to remain positive will help you find the Light of God that shines bright each and every day. You will be more apt to allow God’s Light to fill your very being. Its your choice! Choose to live on the positive side of life and discover how it affects you and the way you see the world. When your attitude is positive it becomes contagious. Your whole environment will change, as will your perspective of the people around you. So go ahead, make the decision to become a positive thinker and watch as the world around you becomes a happier space to live in.

Monday, July 6, 2015

“The Times They Are A-Changing”

The Supreme Court’s historic decision on same sex marriage sent the month of June out with a bang. Life ushered us into July with many American’s calling this historic decision a victory for equality. Whether you are for same sex marriage, or against it, we all have to admit, “The times they are a-changing.” I am not sure what Bob Dylan was experiencing in 1964 when he wrote this song, but to be sure, many things have come about since then that we never dreamed would happen. Amazingly in recent years several things were signed into law that many people voted against, but those things passed non-the-less.
Many people are very passionate about what they believe and become very upset when decisions are made that go against their beliefs. So, what do you do when things in life don’t go in the direction you would like? Do you get upset and mad about it? And if you do get angry, do you stay angry? It’s your choice of course, but getting angry will not make a difference if all you are going to do is stay angry and complain about it. Besides, anger that is not dealt with doesn’t go away. In fact, it only gets worse. And if not dealt with, overtime one can begin to act out one’s unaddressed anger and it can lead to acts of intolerable behavior. Likewise, behavior that becomes insufferable to others can lead to the breakdown of relationships in all spheres of one’s life. offers a few helpful tips that may help you address and learn how to handle anger positively: 
  • “Out-of-control anger hurts your physical health. Constantly operating at high levels of stress and tension is bad for your health. Chronic anger makes you more susceptible to heart disease, diabetes, high cholesterol levels, a weakened immune system, insomnia, and high blood pressure.
  • Out-of-control anger hurts your mental health. Chronic anger consumes huge amounts of mental energy and clouds your thinking, making it harder to concentrate, see the bigger picture, and enjoy life. It can also lead to stress, depression, and other mental health problems.
  • Out-of-control anger hurts your career. Constructive criticism, creative differences, and heated debate can be healthy. But lashing out only alienates your colleagues, supervisors, or clients and erodes their respect. What’s more, a bad reputation can follow you wherever you go, making it harder and harder to get ahead.
  • Out-of-control anger hurts your relationships with others. It causes lasting scars in the people you love most and gets in the way of your friendships and work relationships. Chronic, intense anger makes it hard for others to trust you, speak honestly, or feel comfortable—they never know what is going to set you off or what you will do. Explosive anger is especially damaging to children.” ( 
Yes, the world around us is ever changing and often times those changes leave us wrought with anxiety. But, God never changes. God is the same yesterday, today and evermore and is in control of all our lives.  Once again I recommend that you try praying the serenity prayer daily and pray it with sincerity of hart to ensure a positive change in your outlook on life.  "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference." (Reinhold Niebuhr 1892-1971).