Thursday, January 17, 2019

It Began Strangely , "But God!"

          Most people approach a New Year with their hearts full of hope that the New Year will be better than the last. I am no different. I faced the approaching 2019 with high hopes of a bright and better future. However, we are three weeks in and indeed, strange things have occurred. Over 800,000 American government workers and federal agents find themselves caught in the middle of a political standoff between the President, Democrats and Republicans. Their lives changed too swiftly for them to prepare, and as a result, many of them find themselves having to rely on the kindness of strangers.

        My friends, what a way for us to be reminded of the fact the future is uncertain. It seems no one was prepared for the curveball of the government shutdown. So, what are we to do to prepare for the unforeseen curveballs that lie ahead of us? One thing I recommend is to exercise our faith in the Lord and make up our minds to walk with God every day. 

         Why is walking with God so important? I am glad you asked. Allow me to answer the question out of my own experience. My new friend Debbie and I met over a year ago. The similarities in our personalities drew us together. Having just met we didn't know much about one another. One day Debbie suggested we meet after work at the park close by my job to walk together each evening. It was during those walks that we began to learn about one another and getting to know each other better, we became close friends to this day. Understand this, when you walk side-by-side with someone obviously you walk in the same direction together. Without evening trying you align your steps with the steps of your walking partner. Whenever Debbie would turn, I would turn. When she slowed her steps, I slowed mine and vice-versa. Thusly, when we walk with the Lord each day, we align our steps and our wills with the will of God. 

     In the gospel of John chapter eight, Jesus forgives the sins of the woman caught in adultery, then in verse twelve He is says, "I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness but have the light of life." (John 8:12 NKJ).  Beloved, understand this, for those of us who walk with the Lord every day, we follow Christ. We walk beside Him in step with Him. In so doing, just as the Lord led the nation of Israel through the desert protecting and guiding them with a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night; when we walk with Jesus, He brings the Father’s presence, protection, and guidance into our very existence. Though we cannot see through the darkness of the unknown future it is okay, and everything will be just fine as long as we keep walking in and with Christ Jesus. He is Light of the world. Let His Light shine in the mist of your darkness. You will discover the kindness of others are only the beginning of the many ways God has chosen to bless you and keep you, and help you to say with much faith, "But God!"   


Monday, January 7, 2019

How to Start The New Year Off Right!

It is 2019 and I can hardly believe this is my first post in three years. I woke up this morning another year older and realized how thankful I am just to be alive. I don't know about you, but my heart is filled with gratitude! I thank God for His many blessing, and for allowing me to see another year and to celebrate another birthday.

As you well know, each new year brings with it new challenges and all sorts of adversity. Challenges and adversity are curve balls designed to thwart us, knock us off the paths God has designed for us to follow and put an end to our hopes and dreams.  Therefore, the question becomes, how do we prepare for the curve balls that most certainly will come our way this year?

My friends, the answer to that question is to walk with God each and every day of our lives.  Understand beloved, we are naturally cut off from God because of our sinful nature. Walking with God daily allows us to connect with God and spiritually commune with Him, learn of Him and grow in the Lord. In Micah 6:8 it is written, "He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" (NRSV)

Each week I will write a post to give us guidance, and encouragement to help us begin each day walking with the Lord. Make plans now to go on this journey with me and let us walk daily with God together. Tune next week as I give you golden nuggets from Scripture that will help us all survive the curve balls of life in 2019.