Thursday, September 10, 2015

A Shifting is Taking Place

Labor Day has come and gone marking the end of summer and there is a shifting in the wind. The Dow Jones, a business financial information news system that delivers breaking news and exclusive insights as to what is going on in the financial market just reported yesterday that the industrial average plunged nearly 240 points. Because of this U.S. stocks took a nose dive. Springmeyer and other financial experts claim that the issues stem from uncertainty surrounding China and the U.S. Federal Reserve’s pending rate hike decision due out next week.  Additionally, UMCORE (United Methodist Committees on relief) details, “A recent news report that more than 16,000 migrants have streamed into Austria since the weekend and more than 17,500 people were received in Munich, Germany, alone. According to the United Nations Refugee Agency estimates, more than 366,000 refugees and migrants have crossed the Mediterranean Sea to Europe this year and at least 2,800 have died or disappeared during the journey.

All of this has caused some people to fear the worst, and people are crying doom and gloom for the world, especially America. The economic unrest has confirmed that there is a shifting taking place. However, the shifting is not because of doom or gloom, but because God is moving us from one position to another. According to Doug Addison, we as believers must “Get ready to be stretched as God is doing things that are outside of our comfort zone. We are being challenged right now to move into new levels of understanding. A new wave of revelation is being released that will help us progress into more effectiveness. … God is calling some people to relinquish things that are no longer being used so that others can benefit from them and freely give to others the things that you are no longer using. This might be in the form of money, equipment, investments, businesses, people or buildings. Therefore we are now in entering a time like never before that we need to pass along Kingdom resources.”

This is also a time to pray for those who find themselves displaced due to moving from the violence in their homelands.  Let us pray with Rev.  Jack Amick, head of International Disaster Response for UMCOR, the United Methodist Committee on Relief, as he offers a prayer of action and solidarity for those fleeing conflict and migrating to Europe and other parts of the world.

“Prayer for a New Vision
God of Shalom,
Grant us hearts that cry like yours
At the sight of dead boys on beaches,
Packed train cars,
And long lines of families on the move.

We confess that we have seen these images for centuries.
Grant us, this time, the wisdom to act in a way that turns history upside down.
And brings your shalom on earth as it is in heaven.
Grant us arms that welcome the stranger;
Grant us hands that feed the hungry;
Grant us feet that walk with those whose feet search
For a new home, a new job, a new life.

Help us understand how bad things must have been,
And how much vision these survivors must have had
To make this terrible trek.

Grant us the vision to see what they see:
Your shalom where there is no more violence,
Where life is full and abundant for all,
Where no one is hungry,
And everyone is welcome at the feast.”
