Tuesday, August 4, 2015

The Power of Having a Positive Outlook on Life

The month of August is a very busy time. For many school children it marks the end of the summer break and their going back to school.  The month of August can add to the already stressful lives of parents who have to contend with mortgage payments, healthcare, and countless other concerns. And oftentimes overwhelmed parents miss the fact that their children are stressed out about going back to school.  For most children the stress is caused by the fear of the unknown. Things like changing school districts and starting a new school, migrating from elementary to middle school or from middle to high school, learning the layout of a new school building, being in a school with upper classmen, acquiring new teachers and classmates, you name it; it certainly can be a stressful time for parents, children and teachers alike.
However, maintaining a positive attitude is helpful when it comes to assisting your children with managing their emotions and anxieties.  In fact, a positive attitude is beneficial to persons of all ages. Being negative all the time can make life seem drab, dull and uneventful. After a while you begin to feel you “have” to do this or that, but a positive perspective moves you from “dreading” to do things, to accepting that it’s a blessing you “get” to do things. Additionally, developing a positive attitude will help you cope more easily with the daily pressures that life can bring. It will also help you build up your optimism which makes it easier to not worry so much. Also, learn how to avoid negative thinking. The best part about a having a positive attitude is it helps you to see the brighter side of life, and it enhances your level of faith to believe in a God that has to the power to turn the impossible into the possible.
When you decide to think positively your mindset shifts to expecting success and not failure. You feel inspired and you find strength from within to not give up. When faced with obstacles you don’t run away from them, you command them to move out of your way, or you look beyond those obstacles and keep moving toward the reality of your hopes and dreams. Telling your children how important they are and how much they mean to you is very positive and comforting for them and yourself included.  The truth is, reassuring your children of your love for them and your faith in them will encourage them to believe in themselves and in their own abilities. Prayerfully they will mimic your positive attitude and be more successful in school. Overall, being positive is one way to boost self-confidence and improve your self-esteem. Instead of avoiding problems, you choose to find solutions to your problems. Not only that, but a positive perspective in life will help you to both see and recognize opportunities when they come your way and give you the gumption to seize them.  
The power of maintaining a positive outlook in life leads to happiness, success and your assured identity as a creative being in the likeness of God. And when dark days come, your ability to remain positive will help you find the Light of God that shines bright each and every day. You will be more apt to allow God’s Light to fill your very being. Its your choice! Choose to live on the positive side of life and discover how it affects you and the way you see the world. When your attitude is positive it becomes contagious. Your whole environment will change, as will your perspective of the people around you. So go ahead, make the decision to become a positive thinker and watch as the world around you becomes a happier space to live in.