Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Hold on to Your Pearls

One of the birthstones for the month of June is the pearl. Amazingly, Pearls are found inside living creatures such as oysters, clams and mussels. However, pearls are primarily found inside oysters. They are produced inside these living creatures as a way for them to protect themselves from foreign substances. “Of the 8,000 or so species of oysters, only about 20 of those are able to constantly produce pearls.” Because of this, the formation of a large beautiful and perfect natural pearl is an unlikely event making the price of pearls extremely valuable.
In the book of Matthew chapter seven, Jesus is quoted as saying,” Do not give that which is holy to the dogs, nor cast your pearls before the swine, least they trample them under their feet and turn around and tear you in pieces” (Matt. 7:6 HBFV). The word pearl, as it is used here is a metaphor for godly wisdom. By its definition wisdom is “the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment. It is the attribute of being wise.” Thus, wisdom is relatively important to all humanity because it reflects what we value in life.
Now that the month of June is here it brings joy to the hearts of students from elementary grade school to college. No one can doubt that these students have waited with anticipation for their summer break away from the classroom to begin. Summertime calls ones attention to swimming pools, picnics, tire swings, summer vacations and a time to run wild and free. It is also a time many “throw their pearls to the swine,” and cast their wisdom to the side while electing to do foolish things and make unwise decisions.  
Life teaches us that some choices we make turn around and make us.  Meaning, some of our good choices have resulted in a happy marriage, a great job, and deep personal satisfaction. Some of our poor choices have resulted in destroying a marriage, losing a job, and suffering shame and reproach. During the summer months, instead of having fun some youth choose to steal a car, rob a house and do things that can cause them a lifetime of trouble. They end up in jail and instead of having a great summer, they end up with a record they wound rather not have. Some may even have to kiss their  scholarships goodbye. We all have a choice, pray that you will choose to hold on to your pearls this summer. Use your common sense and make wise decision. Pray also for godly wisdom as you have fun this summer. And remember, “Do not cast your pearls before the swine, least they trample them under their feet and turn around and tear you in pieces.”