Thursday, May 7, 2015

The Month of May

So many wonderful things happen in the month of May. For starters, the old cliché, ‘April showers bring May flowers,’ is true. Right now colorful flowers adorn entrances to businesses, subdivisions, parks, so forth and so on, drawing our attention to their beauty and causing us to appreciate the wonder our eyes behold. However, there are two events happening in the month of May that also vie for our attention. One, the National Day of Prayer, which is today, so I do hope you have plans to pray or attend an event for this occasion. The other event seek to call our attention to the issue of mental health. Yes, May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and is brought to our attention courtesy of the Mental Health America Organization. People of all ages and walks of life either suffer with mental illness or know someone who is diagnosed with this disease.

This organizations hard work draws our attention to the struggles of millions of Americans dealing with the issue of mental illness. Throughout the rest of this month, Mental Health America will raise awareness through the media, video streaming, local events, screenings and a variety of other ways. Recent ads tell of the plight of our Nation’s military men and women dealing with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), and beckon us to notice that they are now fighting a different battle just as serious. It is safe to assume that unless life throws the curveball of mental illness our way, most people will not give it a second thought. For this reason, Mental Health America and other organizations sound the clarion call during the month of May to everyone who will to listen, get connected, seek to engage in positive conversations about it and get involved. There are ways you can help. Why not try one of these suggested ideas:

·       Attend a mental health event happening in your area

·       Share your mental health story

·       Help bring awareness by posting something on your Twitter, Facebook page, etc.

·       Sign up to volunteer at mental health events    

·       Pray for those dealing with this issue

·       Donate funds to organizations like Mental Health America and the Mental Health Foundation

You can make a positive difference in someone’s life.

