Friday, April 3, 2015

Spring Has Sprung!

It is the month of April and spring has sprung, flowers are in bloom and the colors are amazing. The first day of Spring is often a cause for celebration, but not so much for allergy sufferers, because it is out with the cold and in with the ‘achoo.’ You see, while the trees are budding and flowers are in bloom, pollen is also falling. The bright yellowish-green dust falls like rain covering and blanketing everything in its path. Allergy sufferers can always tell its spring by their first sneeze.  

Just as spring can be a difficult time for allergy sufferers, life can be difficult when un-expected problems spring up. But did you know that every problem has a root cause? In reality, problems don't just spring up from nowhere. Most problems are symptoms from other underlying factors in one’s life. For example, if your problem is not being able to keep a job, and you really want to find out the reason why, then it’s time to do some self-evaluation. Truth and honesty must come into play coupled with some deep soul searching. Ask yourself, is the reason you can't keep a job really because people don't like you? Is it really because your boss had it in for you; or that the bus didn't come?  Where you let go because that customer lied about the service you gave them? These, reasons and countless others like them, can really be excuses used to hide the truth behind the real reason you keep losing your jobs. There is a real true reason and a root cause behind it all. Can the fact that you are an addict be the real culprit?  Could staying up all night caring for your parent whose dying of cancer be the reason you were always late? Why do you feel comfortable around people? Dose self-sabotage play a role anywhere? Finding and addressing the root cause of underlying factors in your life is the way to an honest answer and the solution to many of your problems. 

This spring, why not seek to discover the real answer and be determined to do something about it. During springtime, allergy sufferers have to work hard to enjoy the season. They have to take their allergy relief medication, clean the ducts in their homes and clear away the dust. Severe sufferers have to protect their skin and may even have to wear a mask when the pollen count is high. This can be a time for you to make some positive changes in your life as well. Be willing to work hard and be intentional about putting some new things in place. Don't be afraid to seek counseling or join a therapy group if it’s necessary. Work on your diet and exercise daily.  Make the decision to cleanse your heart, mind and soul. Drink plenty of water. Make sure you get a good nights sleep. Give gardening a try and experience the joy of using your hands to make things grow. Start each new day by communing with the Spirit of God. Make a spiritual place for yourself where you can have some alone time. In your spiritual space, listen to spa music or the natural sounds of nature like the sound of the wind or the ocean. Light a candle or burn your favorite essential oil. Sit quietly to reflect and to meditate. Use this time to pray to God and read holy scripture. Practice deep breathing by breathing in and out slowly in order to cleanse your spirit and rid your mind of its clutter. Vow to laugh daily and actually laugh! Be sure to smile and pass your smile along to others. Yes, spring has sprung bringing with it the newness of life. You can enjoy you know, go ahead and give it a try!
