Tuesday, January 6, 2015

A Plan to Successfully Migrate Through the New Year

Happy 2015,
We are blessed to begin a brand new year and like most, you have high hopes and great expectations for what this New Year will bring. Many have already made New Year's resolutions and millions have made promises to do this or that. By providing you with tips to help you migrate successfully through this year, I wish to encourage you to do all you can to stay the course and reach your goals. 
We all can safely assume that in 2015 we will encounter unexpected twists and turns, and life will through us some curve balls. So, how do we plan for them, what paths do we take to avoid them. I hate to disappoint you but the truth is there is no real way to avoid curve balls or the unexpected in life, but we can plan ways to weather them positively as we move forward through this year. On last month I provided you with suggested ways of packing your car and your heart for winter emergencies, now I will provide you with a suggested strategy to help you successfully go through this year regardless of any obstacles that may come your way. 
First things first, expect the unexpected. Allow yourself to embrace the true reality of knowing things are going to happen that will stress you out. Admit the fact that stuff happens and there is nothing you can do about it. And, when the unlikeliest of things occur, allow yourself to experience true human emotions like fear, shock, anger, pain, so forth and so on. But, do not get stuck there. Do not remain in fear or shock. Neither should you fester in your anger or pain, but instead, breathe. Breathing is very important.  Devout Yoginis will tell you, "Connecting with your breath is a method for being present. When you concentrate on each aspect of the breathing process, you are present; you let go of the past and future and are focused on the moment inside the breath. Moreover, breathing consciously has a positive biological effect on our mental, emotional, and physical state." Know that your ability to breath will lessen the effect of the initial impact that the sudden unexpected surprise has on you.
Secondly and more importantly pray. If you are not in the habit of praying, begin your prayer life now.  There is a verse of scripture written in James 5:16 that states, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." having an active prayer life can help prepare you for anything in life. Why, because if you are willing to pray then that means you have the faith to believe in a source of Power outside of yourself. God desires to be your source and your strength so much so, that God has promised, Pray to Me, seek Me and I will guide you. As it is written in Psalm 32:8 "I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you shall go. I will counsel you with my eye on you."  So, my friend, with God leading you and guiding you through each day of this year you are on your way to migrating through 2015 successfully. Always remember, we can and sometimes will fail, but God will never fail.
Peace to You,
